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Sep 15, 2020 Melissa Gilbertson

Surge in Subscription Box Subscribers - How Call Centers Help

Subscription Box Services“According to a recent subscription impact report, more than 22% of companies have seen subscriber acquisition rates grow during the current pandemic. Food and beverage subscription boxes in particular have been in high demand, as much of the population is keeping grocery store trips to a minimum. The prepared-meal service, Freshly Inc., delivered 5 million meals in the month of March alone, a major jump from the 3.5 million the company predicted in February.” Digital Media Solutions

To put into scale just how much this industry has grown in recent years, the largest such retailers generated more than $2.6 billion in sales in 2016, up from a mere $57 million in 2011.

However, despite the industry’s huge growth, subscription-based e-Commerce companies still face challenges when it comes to customer acquisition, churn rate, the ease of cancellations and delivering a superior customer experience (CX).

Thankfully, that’s where the expertise and resources of a nearshore call center comes in. Here are the six challenges that your subscription-based company can overcome by customer service outsourcing:

Acquiring new customers: The acquisition of new customers is one of the major challenges facing subscription-based companies. This is largely down to poor conversion rates when a customer phones into your business.

Scaling up for cyclical demand: While subscription-based companies do not have the conventional challenge of seasonal demand that many companies contend with, it’s likely that your company does have a type of seasonal demand when it comes to your cycle of billing - something known as cyclical demand. Since you don’t have the resources to scale up, this period of time puts increased pressure on your customer service representatives and leads to poor customer service.

The costs and time associated with call repetition: Call repetition not only leads to frustrated and dissatisfied customers, it also wastes the time, money and resources of your company. Unfortunately, most subscription-based companies don’t have a strategy in place to reduce call repetition.

Saving the sale: More than one-third of consumers who sign up for a subscription service cancel in less than three months, and over half cancel within six months. That’s why it’s crucial your agents are able to save the sale when a customer calls in to cancel - unfortunately, this is an ongoing challenge for most subscription-based companies.

Upgrading customers for additional revenue: Your subscription company relies on the upgrade of current customers to increase revenue. A customer-focused and personalized customer service program of an outsourced call center will help your business grow in this regard.

Offering 24/7 customer support: Customers are demanding increased convenience and now expect to be able to get in touch with your organization on any day of the week, and at any hour. Despite this, it’s unlikely you have the in-house resources to offer round-the-clock-support.

How can an outsourced call center help address these challenges?

An outsourced contact, such as Advantage Communications, will help you address these challenges through state-of-the-art technology and expert customer service strategies that are designed for the unique needs of your business.

A high-quality outsourced call center will help your company address these challenges through:

Want to learn how an outsourced call center will help your subscription-based company address these challenges? Read our new ebook, titled ‘The Secret to Growing Your Subscription-Based Company’, for more information or contact our team of experts today.

Published by Melissa Gilbertson September 15, 2020
Melissa Gilbertson