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Aug 17, 2018 Melissa Gilbertson

How Artificial Intelligence Can be Used to Improve CX Measurements


In the digital age where negative online reviews can significantly harm the reputation of a business, high quality customer service is key when it comes to finding new customers, retaining existing ones and creating a loyal customer base that will use your business time and time again (that's why your organization should outsource your call center to an expert).

So, how does a company measure the customer experience (CX) and make sure they are progressing and on top of any change? 

Customer satisfaction methods, as we covered in our recent blog, are a great way of keeping track of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Making the most of metrics such as Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) or Customer Effort Score (CES), will give your organization vital feedback on how your customer service is performing and which aspects can be improved upon.

There is one CX measurement, however, that is often overlooked. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a relatively new technology, but it is capable of revolutionizing the way businesses measure their customer experience.

While the vast majority of CX measurement programs rely heavily on surveys, AI can help track CX quality by continually analysing data that customers leave in new types of digital interactions, such as social media, chatbots and calls.

What is artificial intelligence?

Simply speaking, AI is the umbrella term for a number of technologies that mimic the cognitive functions associated with humans, such as learning, problem solving, and reasoning.

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Artificial intelligence technologies typically used in customer service include conversational technologies, such as chatbots and natural automated phone software. These technologies are substantially reducing customer effort by cutting out human error and connecting businesses with the customer on an omni-channel level.

According to Bloomberg Intelligence, artificial intelligence software is likely to be the most disruptive force in technology in the coming decade, and companies that embrace AI will get a competitive edge.

The aspect perhaps most exciting about AI in terms of CX measurement is a technology known as deep learning.

What is deep learning?

Deep learning allows AI technology to listen, or read, depending on which type of AI software you are using in your customer service strategy, to conversations for both the content and tone of the customer.

Deep learning can be used to detect sarcasm, mimicking, change in volume, change in pitch and much more, helping to gain real-time insights into how customers are feeling and how they rate their experience with your company.

In turn, this provides real-time suggestions to customer service representatives. This allows them to evaluate each call and ensure that high customer service levels are met at all times.

How can AI better track customer experience?

There a various ways that AI can be used to better measure CX performance, including gaining more sophisticated emotion analysis from customer interactions, turning conventional surveys into real-time measurable conversations with the customer, as well as accurately predicting survey scores and amending customer service habits before customers can even receive a bad experience.

A Forrester report, named ‘The AI Revolution in CX Measurement’, lists 12 ways that AI can help companies better track and drive CX action:

  1. Mine text data more effectively, at scale.
  2. Find better insight in speech data.
  3. Get insights from images and video.
  4. Provide sophisticated emotion analysis.
  5. Turn surveys into conversations.
  6. Use signals to predict CX scores.
  7. Find insights across sources.
  8. Surface anomalies and emerging issues.
  9. Provide guidance to find insights faster.
  10. Augment and train employees.
  11. Add narrative to dashboards.
  12. Let users query data naturally.

All this means that companies are able to use real-time data to change the way they go about their customer service, providing an experience that is exactly as the customer expects.

How can Advantage Communications help?

AI is becoming an increasingly more important aspect of customer service. An innovative approach to customer service is key, and the use of AI technology is essential - Advantage Communications can help.

Ready to learn more about our AI offering? Contact us today.

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Published by Melissa Gilbertson August 17, 2018
Melissa Gilbertson