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4 Ways Collecting Metrics Will Improve Your Customer Experience

Written by Thomas Cannon | Sep 21, 2018

No matter what industry you serve, whether it be retail and customer service, banking and financial, or telecommunications and media, your customers will be certain to have high customer experience expectations.

Your customer service program is the key to creating a successful customer experience. Many companies, both enterprise and startup, have great success when making the most of call center outsourcing.

Outsourcing your call center can vastly improve your customer service program through innovative new technologies, world-class customer service representatives, and the use of real-time data to understand the needs of your audience.

More importantly, a contact center’s primary responsibility is to understand and manage customer expectations so they can offer the best possible customer experience. This means determining whether the needs of your customers are being met through each interaction.

Today’s customers have, and also expect, a wide variety of ways they can interact with your company, including phone calls, email, live chat, mobile apps, social media and much more. This omnichannel approach to customer service means its more difficult to understand customer expectations than ever before.

Collecting customer service metrics and analyzing data from each communication channel will help an outsourced contact center create a well-rounded view of your customers, and, in turn, they will be able to make significant improvements to your company’s customer service.

Here are four benefits to collecting metrics, and how contact centers can use them to transform your company’s customer experience:

1 - Determine which channels your different type of customers use

There’s a high chance that your company sells multiple products or services, and that means you will have more than one type of customer. By collecting data from each channel that you use to engage with your customers, a contact center should be able to identify the channels which are more popular for each unique type of customer.

Each different type of customer will have their own unique set of expectations, therefore knowing which customers you’re engaging with on each channel will allow customer service representative to tailor their process to deliver a personalized customer experience.

2 - Expose user experience issues

Whether your customers are engaging with you through artificial intelligence (AI), your website, email or by telephone, a good customer experience means a seamless process that answers customer queries quickly and correctly.

Contact centers will use metrics to make sure every communication channel is working as seamlessly as possible. If a customer can’t get the information they are looking for via email, then it’s unlikely they will try a different channel - they will simply move on to your competitor.

Collecting customer satisfaction metrics, and speech and text data, from each channel, allows contact centers to analyze and evaluate the data to find trends such as lost customers and where customer service can be improved.

3 - Improving access to information

By collecting real-time interactive data across multiple channels, contact centers are able to pinpoint how and why customers interact with your company, what information they are looking for and whether they are able to successfully find it.

A successful customer experience is all about reducing pain-points for your customers, and that means improving their access to information. This could include the implementation of innovative technology such as artificial intelligence, chatbots, or self-service strategies that allow the customer to answer their own queries on whichever platform works best for them.

Through improved access to information, customers will trust your company more, receive a better customer service and will recommend your products and services to other people within their network. This improves customer retention, increases customer loyalty and, ultimately, boosts your bottom line.

4 - An improved marketing strategy

In-depth data on your customers is not only great for learning about how best to improve the customer service experience, but it can also be invaluable to your company’s marketing department.

Your marketing team can use this data to determine where to focus their budget, focusing on the platforms and channels that will maximize return on investment (ROI).

Advantage Communications can transform your company’s customer experience with real-time data, innovative technologies such as AI and world-class customer service representatives that become brand ambassadors for your business.

Are you looking for more information about outsourcing your customer service to a call center in Canada, serving global clients? Contact us today.