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How to Identify the Best Contact Center for Your Business

Written by Tracey Laughlin | Nov 16, 2021

Outsourcing a major part of your business is never an easy decision, but when it comes down to something as important as your customer service strategy, it’s generally the right one. 

That’s because successful customer service requires significant investment into technology and staffing, as well as expertise in customer care strategies, analyzing customer service metrics and an understanding of today’s customer expectations. 

Unless your business is a huge enterprise or has massive backing from investors, it’s unlikely you have the resources to truly build a world-class customer service program.

How to outsource your customer service program to a contact center. 

For most companies, an outsourced contact center simply makes sense. Outsourcing your customer service to a contact center gives your business access to world-class customer service technologies, allows you to seamlessly scale for seasonal demand, provides you with industry experts who know exactly how to build a successful customer service program, and gives you access to highly-talented customer service representatives (CSRs) without the high costs and complexities of hiring them internally. 

In order to help you in the process of selecting the best contact center for your company’s unique requirements, we’ve listed a few ways to identify the best customer service partner for your organization. 

Understand what parts of your customer service you want to outsource

When it comes to outsourcing, it’s not an all or nothing solution. You can outsource some or all of your customer service program operations, depending on what your business goals are. Perhaps you just want to outsource your call center operations to better answer incoming customer calls, or maybe you want to outsource your entire customer service program to a contact center to develop an omnichannel approach to customer care. 

Not sure the difference between a call center and contact center? Check out our blog, Contact Center vs Call Center: What is The Difference? 

Think about the location of your contact center strategically

While there are a number of call centers that you can outsource your customer service program to overseas, is that truly the right strategic move for your business? For example, if your business is located in the US, then you’ll benefit from working with a US or nearshore contact center who understands your target market. If you are looking to expand in South America, then you’ll benefit from a contact center who has an office south of the border with bilingual agents. 

What technologies does your potential partner use?

To meet today’s customer expectations, customer service technologies are an absolute must to any successful program. Tools such as customer service artificial intelligence (AI), operational intelligence and customer analytics are all crucial components of a successful customer experience. 

Ensure the contact fits into your business culture

When you work with a contact center, their customer service representatives should operate as an extension of your brand. That means they need to fit in with your company culture, talk to customers using your brand voice and be on board with the vision of your business. Make sure your potential contact center takes the time to run a CSR onboarding for your brand, so everyone is aligned with your brand and overall customer service goals.

Will the contact center scale with your business needs?

Most businesses have seasonal demand and fluctuating periods throughout the year. It’s important that your contact center is able to scale up and down as-needed to help your brand meet these demands. Take the time to learn how flexible your potential contact center partner is and whether they are able to create a customer program that takes into account your unique business cycle and needs. 

Get references from other clients where possible

When choosing your contact center, it’s important that you partner with a business who has a proven track record for providing world-class customer services in your industry and for your type of customers. Reach out to customers of your potential contact center partner, or read case studies, to learn more about the way they work and how they’ve helped other companies succeed.

Interested in learning more about choosing the right contact center partner? Get in touch with Advantage Communications today. We would love to answer any question that you have.